# social coop - a [[cooperative]]. - #go https://social.coop - I applied to join on [[2022-08-09]], got accepted on [[2022-08-10]] :) - As of [[2022-05-11]] I'm a [[social coop admin]] and part of the [[tech working group]] and [[community working group]]. I am privileged to serve the community. - #pull [[social.coop]] [[tech working group]] [[community working group]] - https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1292401355118845952 - [[chat]] - [[social coop matrix]]: - #matrix https://matrix.to/#/#SocialCoop:matrix.org - the [[space]], here you should find every room - #open https://matrix.to/#/#SocialCoop:matrix.org - the [[open chat room]] - #cwg https://matrix.to/#/#sc-cwg:matrix.org - #twg https://matrix.to/#/#socialcoop-tech:matrix.org - [[2021-06-07]] https://pad.disroot.org/p/Social.Coop_Strategy_Summit_%231?utm_source=discussion_mailer&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=new_discussion